They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; for they did not love their lives to the point of death – (Revelation 12:11).

I blessed God Almighty for the salvation of my soul and for leading me to this church. This church is a solution. The first day I came to see the man of God in his office, he gave a prophecy, and it all came to pass. He asked me if I was planning to go back to my previous office, and I said no.
I do apply for jobs, and whenever I go for interviews, I always get disqualified. Either they say I’m overqualified for the job or they can’t pay me the required amount. There was this job I applied for, and I told our Daddy in the Lord about it, and he said I should go, but the amount they wanted to pay was too small. But because it was a job that came out of prophecy, I took it up. I’m fully and gainfully employed according to the prophecy of the man of God. Praise the Lord!
Pastor Ajeka
I give all glory, honor, and adoration to the most high God.
I’m giving this testimony concerning my friend. In 2019, she was appointed provost of AOCOED. When the school was changed to a university, she was later appointed as the acting VC, and we were all praying for her to be made the VC. I told our Daddy in the Lord about 3 weeks ago that I want my friend to be the VC, and Daddy told me that it’s a settled case and that, by February, she will be appointed as the VC. On February 1st, as prophesied by the man of God, she was officially appointed as the VC of LASUED. Praise the Lord!
Mrs. Omotayo (MNI)
I blessed Almighty God for the salvation of my soul and for His divine protection over me and my family.

Firstly, my son in the UK just finished his Master’s degree program. He applied for a work permit but was not granted one. I came to our Daddy in the Lord and explained to him; he asked me to get his picture, which I did, and he prayed on it. To the glory of God, he was given a stay and a work permit for three years.

Secondly, one of my students went to a competition and won a scholarship.

Thirdly, one of my students went out with his school uniform and felt into the hands of cun men. They tricked her to mile 12, and money and a phone were collected from her, but I thanked God because she was not killed and did not allow the school to have a bad name. Praise the Lord!

Dr. Ajewole
I blessed Almighty God for the salvation of my soul and for His protection over me and my family.
I blessed Almighty God that I can still lift up my hands and legs. In January, I traveled for my father’s burial. When I came back, I started having these strange feelings, but God delivered me. My son was traveling, and he fell into the hands of a kidnapper, but God delivered him. Lastly, in my compound, where I’m staying, God gave me victory over my enemies. Praise the Lord!
Mrs. Modupe Afolabi
I blessed Almighty God for the salvation of my soul and for His divine protection over me and my family.
In this year 2023, I set up a project for 5 people, and in the first week of this new year, 6 people signed up as opposed to 5, and the sign-on fee was #500,000. It’s a privilege for me that, in this hard time, people can come out and register with such an amount. I asked one of the signees who has never been into the real estate business before why he signed up, and he said he could see results in his own life, and that’s the reason he too decided to sign up with him. I bless and return all glory back to God because He alone can do this.
Deacon Ashimolowo
I thank God for the salvation of my soul and for His divine protection over me and my family.


In the month of April 2022, I was called by my boss to sign a 10-year bond, which means that I’m not going to leave her place of work within that period. When I came back home, I told my Daddy in the Lord, and he told me not to sign that I should come and work for God in the church. I started thinking and saying, “Why did I tell him?” I was scared and confused to leave the place because I have some debts to settle. I made up my mind according to what my Daddy in the Lord told me; I left the place; my entitlements and the like were not paid. But to the glory of God, the transaction I’ve been waiting for for some time now worked out, and I was able to pay the debt. In addition, I made my annual salary in just one month (January 2023). Praise the Lord!

Pastor Bodunrin Timothy
(Parish Pastor)
I thank Almighty God for the salvation of my soul and for His faithfulness and goodness over me and my family.
Last two weeks, God delivered me from a scorpion bite; last week, I was delivered from a snake bite. Also, I had an issue at my place of work; I lost the job, but I thank God that the matter didn’t land in court. Praise the Lord!
Bro. Michael
I blessed Almighty God for the salvation of my soul and for counting me and my family worthy to be alive today.


I blessed the God of this commission, which never put me to shame. A neighbor of mine was pregnant but refused to go to the hospital for antenatal care. Last week, she felt like she was going into labor, and a nurse was called upon to attend to her. The nurse did all she could, but to no avail, and she beckoned on me to be their neighbor. I went in and brought out the anointing oil that our Daddy in the Lord prayed on. I put it in her mouth and also used it to massage her tummy. To the glory of God, within 10 minutes she delivered a bouncing baby boy. Praise the Lord!

Mrs. Mbah
I thank my Daddy in the Lord for all that God has been using him to do in my life and for making me develop a great faith in God. For the past 23 years, I’ve been having kidney problems, but my Daddy in the Lord has been praying with me.
Sometimes last year, my doctor told me that I should prepare my will because I couldn’t make it. When I called my Daddy in the Lord, he said the result is not mine, and it’s not my portion. One year has gone by, and I’m still standing on my feet, hale and hearty. Praise the Lord!
Evang. Clara Omisore
I blessed Almighty God for the salvation of my soul and for His divine protection and provision over me and my family.
Last week, our Daddy in the Lord prophesied that someone would receive an appointment letter.
This is a job I’ve been doing for the past 8 years without any official letter to show for it. But last week, according to the word of God from His servant, I was called to fill out a form, and after filling out the form, my appointment letter was given to me. Praise the Lord!
Mr. Adeyemi
Praise the Lord!
I thank God for the salvation of my soul. If not for God, I would have been dead by now. Jesus really paid me. I’ve seen a lot, but God made me to overcome. Ever since I’ve been coming to this church, I’ve had lots of challenges, but I keep praying to God with faith. That situation is now a thing of the past.


In one of the anointing services of this church that I attended, I was to travel to Cotonou, and I took a long bath in the anointing oil. I anointed myself and the car we were to travel with. To and fro to Cotonou, we didn’t pay a dime.
Lastly, I could kneel down for 2 to 5 minutes now without getting support from anybody. This was a thing that was very difficult for me to do before. I blessed the God of this commission, and I return all glory, honor, and adoration to Him. 

Mummy Adegoke
To the glory of God, I traveled to Finland to see my family, and I came back safely.
In the month of October 2021, my wife celebrated her 50th birthday. During COVID 19, my wife got a deportation letter, and in February this year, the court gave a verdict that immigration had no right to deport my family.


By the gift of men, my wife was advised rightly in her favor, and she was given permanent residence.

I blessed God for the privilege to be in this commission, to associate with this commission, and to continue worshipping in this commission till the end. Praise the Lord!

Pastor Orisakwe Pascal
I blessed God Almighty for the salvation of my soul.
Some months back, our Daddy in the Lord asked us to bring our documents, and he prayed over them. I’m the traveling type, and I have no problem traveling. I’ve applied for the waiver since April, and some people were telling me that it would cost me between N300,000 and N600,000.
After the prayer and anointing service of the church, a lady just called me and asked me to send all my details, which I did. Later, I got an SMS that my application had been reviewed. I received a message from DHL saying that any moment from now, my visa would be ready, and to the glory of God, I got my American visa without any hitch. Praise the Lord!
Mr. Akin Lewis
S.A (Admin)